The youth traveled 7000 kilometers by bicycle in 140 days

The youth traveled 7000 kilometers by bicycle in 140 days

Report: Krishna Kumar

Nagaur. It is said that if there is a desire to do something in the mind, then a person can cross even the seven seas. We are telling this because Pappu Chaudhary, a resident of Kurchi, a small village of Nagaur, came out of Nagaur district with the message of saving and conserving the environment and enhancing the environment by planting new saplings.

Pappu traveled 7000 kilometers in 140 days. Pappu told that the importance of environment is very important in our life. We should protect the environment.

from your city (Nagaur)

The family members protested

Pappu Chowdhary told that his expenditure on cycle travel is met through public service and some freelancing he does. Pappu tells that his family members opposed this move at first, but later Pappu explained to him that he wanted to do this, then his family members said that whatever you do, we wish you to do well.

faced many difficulties

During the cycle journey, Pappu also faced a lot of problems. Sometimes rain, sometimes bitter cold and sometimes a place to stay, and sometimes food, after facing many problems, he reached his destination. Pappu ended the last stop of his journey in Jaipur district. After that reach Nagaur district.

did this for awareness

To make people aware of the environment, Pappu Chaudhary himself planted two to three saplings at every district headquarters and gave the message of protection to the environment.

special message for youth

Pappu appealed to the youth that whether it is a day of celebration, or a festival day or any other celebration, they should plant trees on every occasion. So that the environment can be protected. He also said that the youth should stay away from drug addiction and should achieve the goal set in their life.

Tags: Nagaur News, Rajasthan news

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